Consider an electron in the state n=4, l=3, m=2, s=1/2.?

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Consider an electron in the state n=4, l=3, m=2, s=1/2.

In what shell is this electron located?

-I put 4 but it said it was wrong.

What is the orbital angular momentum L of this electron in h(bar)s?

What is the z component of the orbital angular momentum of this electron, Lz?

What is the z component of the spin angular momentum of this electron, Sz?


If L is sqrt(12) h then it should be 3.46 * 6.6*10^-34. I’m getting 2.29*10^-33 and it’s saying I’m wrong.

If L is sqrt(12) h then it should be 3.46 * 6.6*10^-34. I’m getting 2.29*10^-33 and it’s saying I’m wrong.

Update 2:

Nevermind. The answer is the square root of 12.

Nevermind. The answer is the square root of 12.

  • Fornoob Team’s answer

    Shells sometimes have letters associated with them, starting with K:

    n=1 -> K

    n=2 -> L

    n=3 -> M

    n=4 -> N

    So try “N-shell” .

    L = sqrt(l (l+1) ) hbar = sqrt(12) h

    Lz = m hbar = 2hbar

    Sz = s hbar = 1/2 hbar

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